From October to December 2009 we worked with students from the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London. In this project we took the research to a next level, building on the previous pilot studies. We now wanted to focus a bit more on the motivations of people behind their online and offline presentations. This included interviews and visualisations of the data that will be gathered. We aimed towards the publication of a printed magazine in January.
Kick-off meeting
On 22 October we met with the students for a kick-off meeting. These are the slides we showed and discussed: briefing_presentation_221009
Hand out with detailed briefing
During the kick off meeting we handed out a briefing document that specifies the objectives, activities, time line and deliverables: chelsea_briefing_handout_221009
Workshop to discuss first explorations
On 10 November we met again with all the student groups. They presented their first explorations and discussed their plans for the coming weeks.
Final presentations and competition
On 3 December the student groups presented the results of their project. They all produced a mock up of a magazine. We selected one of these magazines as the best of class. This one was then used as the design for a printed publication that also contained some of the data from the other research projects.